Saturday, March 28, 2020

Internet Security Many People Today Are Familiar With The Internet And

Internet Security Many people today are familiar with the Internet and its use. A large number of its users however, are not aware of the security problems they face when using the Internet. Most users feel they are anonymous when on-line, yet in actuality they are not. There are some very easy ways to protect the user from future problems. The Internet has brought many advantages to its users but has also created some major problems. Most people believe that they are anonymous when they are using the Internet. Because of this thinking, they are not careful with what they do and where they go when on the net. Security is a major issue with the Internet because the general public now has access to it. When only the government and higher education had access, there was no worry about credit card numbers and other types of important data being taken. There are many advantages the Internet brings to its users, but there are also many problems with the Internet security, especially when d ealing with personal security, business security, and the government involvement to protect the users. The Internet is a new, barely regulated frontier, and there are many reasons to be concerned with security. The same features that make the Internet so appealing such as interactivity, versatile communication, and customizability also make it an ideal way for someone to keep a careful watch on the user without them being aware of it (Lemmons 1). It may not seem like it but it is completely possible to build a personal profile on someone just by tracking them in cyperspace. Every action a person does while logged onto the Internet is recorded somewhere (Boyan, Codel, and Parekh 3). An individuals personal security is the major issue surrounding the Internet. If a person cannot be secure and have privacy on the Internet, the whole system will fail. According to the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), any website can find out whose server and the location of the server a person used to get on the Internet, whether his computer is Windows or DOS based, and also the Internet browser that was used. This is the only information that can be taken legally. However, it can safely be assumed that in some cases much more data is actually taken (1). These are just a few of the many ways for people to find out the identity of an individual and what they are doing when on the Internet. One of the most common ways for webmasters to find out information about the user is to use passive recording of transactional information. What this does is record the movements the user had on a website. It can tell where the user came from, how long he stayed, what files he looked at, and where he went when he left. This information is totally legal to obtain, and often the webmaster will use it to see what parts of his site attracts the most attention. By doing this, he can improve his site for the people that return often (Boyan, Codel, and Parekh 2). There is a much more devious way that someone can gain access to information on a users hard-drive. In the past, the user did not need to be concerned about the browser he used; that changed when Netscape Navigator 2.0 was introduced. Netscape 2.0 takes advantage of a programming language called Java. Java uses the browser to activate programs to better enhance the website the user was viewing. It is possible for someone to write a program using Java that transfers data from the users computer back to the website without the user ever being aware of anything being taken. Netscape has issued new releases that fix some but not all of the two dozen holes in the program (Methvin 3). Many people do not realize that they often give information to websites by doing something called direct disclosure. Direct disclosure is just that, the user gives the website information such as their e-mail address, real address, phone number, and any other information that is requested. Often, by giving up information, a user will re ceive special benefits for registering such as

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bud Light Ad Essays

Bud Light Ad Essays Bud Light Ad Paper Bud Light Ad Paper Michael Green Beer Providing Endless Opportunities Since 1862 Beer advertisements have become extremely popular since or society has become avid beer drinkers. Most of the beer ads entail a good time when consumed. They also insinuate other ideas that could be seen as scandalous to some people. Many advertisements use sex to sell their products. The Bud Light advertisement I analyzed had many messages that could be easily over looked. In the Bud Light advertisement I come across, I noticed a few things. This advertisement like many others was not only selling a product, it was selling an idea. Given that it was a Bud Light advertisement it was promoting Bud Light beer. Also it was providing the idea of â€Å"endless opportunities. † At first glance of this ad the onlooker would notice a massive Bud Light bottle covered in melting ice. This bottle looks very refreshing and mouth-watering. The advertisement is split in half on the left there is an all white background. In the middle of the right side there is a couple, male and female on a date. The woman is in front of the man holding a pool stick wearing a silky gold tank top. She is glancing to the side. The man is behind the woman, looking at the viewer of the advertisement. He is wearing a black leather paperboy hat with a white sweater and a grey undershirt. His facial expression is suggesting that he is ‘up to something. ’ On the top of the left side there is a phrase â€Å"endless opportunities. † This is evidence for the expression on the guy’s face. He is trying to ‘make something happen’ with the woman. The same couple is on the right side of the advertisement, but now the woman is facing the man with her arms around his neck. Now she has a smile from ear to ear. Again the woman is looking to the side and the man is looking at the viewer. This time the male looks more confident. The male has his arms wrapped around her back holding the pool stick. He is no longer wearing his hat or sweater. The background of the right side is a faded blue with a beer and a pool table. Above the couple is there is a phrase â€Å"superior drinkability. Looking closer at the advertisement there are a couple things the average person would not notice. There is evidently a reason why this ad is split in two. The left side is perfectly clear so the viewer can distinguish the couple perfectly. The right side on the other hand is faded. The people are more difficult to distinguish. When drinking alcohol the vision is impaired. This suggests that the couple is sober on the right and intoxicated on the left. Now that this is understood a few more things can be detected from this ad. The woman is much more affectionate to the male when under the influence. Also the male’s facial expression is now more confident then when he was sober. Bud Light is implying that if their product is drank it will get you laid in this ad. Staring even more intently at the advertisement the viewer may pick up on a bit of symbolism. Notice on the left side of the ad the woman is holding the pool stick; on the right side the man is holding it. Men who go from girl to girl have been called ‘players. ’ They treat the act of getting with woman as a game. The pool stick in the advertisement represents ‘the game. When the couple is sober the woman is holding the pool stick, meaning she is in control of the game. When the couple is intoxicated the male is holding the pool stick, now he is in control of the game. Insinuating that Bud Light creates endless opportunities. On the average day, the average person will see thousands of advertisements. It is important not buy into the idea the ads are promoting, such as this Bud Light advertiseme nt. People could get the wrong idea and start taking advantage of drunken woman. Question everything advertisements are everywhere nobodies safe.